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The approach


In order to promote responsible fishing techniques and resource sustainability, and to display a responsible approach to fishing, Seychellois hook-and-line Fishermen have launched their Label Program. In partnership with the Seychelles Fishing Authority and the Seychelles Bureau of Standard, a code of conduct has been established for the profession. These standards are the foundation of the Seychelles Label Program, and translate the commitments of the fishermen operating under the scheme. The strategy focuses on the multi-attributes certification of the product : selectivity (hook-and-line), origin, quality and freshness, traceability, resource sustainability, and respect for the environment. These attributes allow for the provision of “PREMIUM” fish products from Seychelles to consumers, an offer unique among the international seafood market.


The hook-and-line fishing technique is a traditional technique in Seychelles. It is internationally recognized to be one of the most selective technique to harvest wild fish. For this reason our fisheries have very low levels of by-catch. Discarding of unwanted fish does not ocur, and there is little damage inflicted on marine habitats.

By using circle hooks, we catch mostly larger fish which have already reproduced. Another advantage is the property of this hook to reduce damage to turtle or bird which might be tempted by the bait. We pay particular attention to the fishing areas where we operate, and fully respect Marine Protected Areas.


Our quality objectives are achieved by setting and implementing high standards with respect to handling, processing, storage, and labeling practices on board the fishing vessels.

Depending on the type of campaign, only the fish caught within 2 to 4 days before the landing date are labelled. The hold temperature is kept below 3º C at all time.

The fish hold is cleaned and disinfected with food-safe cleaning products after each fishing trip. Ice used for conserving fish is made from potable water or hygienised seawater.


To guarantee the origin of our fish and strengthen our links with the consumers, the fish caught in our set standards is tagged with a label. Line-caught fish is marked with tags containing the reference code of the fishing boat by which the fish was captured. Entering this code on our web page enables full traceability of the fish. Customers will be able to retrieve information about the fishermen, the boat, the fishing ground and the fishing technique employed.

By providing traceability, the label tagged on the fish is a powerful tool against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, and assures the consumers that the product has not contributed to the problem of IUU fishing. This makes the product and the fishery "IUU Free".


The environment from which we extract our products deserves particular respect. For this reason, only biodegradable wastes are disposed of at sea. Our boats are equipped with storage facilities for non-biodegradable wastes, and upon return from fishing these wastes are unloaded onshore.


For the consumer, the label will :

  • Provide information about the origin of the fish - “Seychelles”.
  • Guarantee the specificity of the fishing technique - “hook-and-line”.
  • Allow for the purchase of a premium and unique product, fished in a remarkably healthy environment.
  • Allow to support responsible and sustainable fisheries, enabling people to make an honest and fair living from a noble profession, as well as support sustainable fishing for future generations.
  • Allow you to support IUU free fisheries and combat illegal fishing.

THE PROGRAMME - All about Selectivity, Origin, Quality and Freshness, Traceability, Resource Sustainability and Environment Management

The structure of the Label Programme is based on three schemes :

  • The line-caught "Emporor Red Snapper Campaign" aims to label 8 species of bottom tropical fish, the most popular being the red snapper (Lutjanus sebae) and the green jobfish (Aprion virescens).
  • The line-caught "Carangues Campaign" aims to label two species of pelagic tropical fish from which the most popular are the bludger (Carangoides gymnostethus) and the yellow spotted trevally (Carangoides chrysophrys).
  • The line-caught "Tuna Campaign" aims to label 3 species of highly migratory tropical fish : the yellowfin (Thunnus albacares), bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus), and the swordfish (Xiphias gladius).


The hook-and-line Label Program is a voluntary scheme. To provide buyers and consumers with the necessary assurances that the fish coming from the  Seychelles` traditional line-fisheries has been caught responsibly and in line with the fishermen`s commitments, we have established a Code of Conduct with standards criteria. There are 8 such standards and 20 requirements to be respected by the fishermen. They are the foundation of Seychelles' Label Program, and the obligations fishermen adhere to. To join the program, fishing boat owners must sign the “commitment letter”. To obtain Seychelles Bureau of Standards certification, necessary to use and place the mark on the fish, the fishing boats must satisfy the required set standards.


  • SPECIES: List of species labeled.
  • BOATS: Focus on Seychellois boats & crews (type & size).
  • FISHING ZONE : Authorized fishing zones and respect of Marine Protected Areas.
  • CONDITIONS OF CAPTURE: Techniques (hook-and-line) and respect of protected species.
  • ONBOARD HANDLING AND LABELLING: In the first half-hour after capture.
  • STORAGE & CONTROL: Storage, acceptance of regular control.
  • RECOMMENDATIONS: Follow recommendations and training.
  • ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: Commitment on waste disposal.


The hotels, restaurants and retailers supporting this scheme shall pledge their commitment by signing a letter of agreement.

  • COMMITMENT: To uphold the value of the program.
  • CONTROL: (for fish retailers) joint control at the landing site.
  • PRICE: Commitment on prices and sharing profits, to allow Seychellois fishermen to live with dignity, and to support them in keeping the fishing industry sustainable and attractive to younger generations.

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