The label program from KOPEPROD on Vimeo.
Beatty Hoarau explains why the label program is important for Seychelles hook and line fishermen and why we have to care about sustainability.
A great job from KOPEPROD on Vimeo.
Rolly Tambara explain how he loves his job. He encourages young people to choose fishing because it is a source of adventure, happiness and a sustainable way to take care of a family.
Parole de pêcheur from KOPEPROD on Vimeo.
Jean LEONEL parle de son métier de pêcheur artisant aux Seychelles et nous explique comment se déroule une marée.
The president of FBOA words from KOPEPROD on Vimeo.
Joe Dingwall speak about fishing in Seychelles and about the futur for young people.